Remembering our Founder

March 3, 2023

A year ago today we lost our founder, David Giuliani. David founded Clean & Prosperous Washington, and the Clean & Prosperous Institute believing that progress is possible when the public and private sectors work together, listening to – and respecting – perspectives from disparate voices. 

As an engineer, he valued objectivity. As an entrepreneur he valued teamwork. And as a visionary, he valued bold action, always thinking big.

David was instrumental in building a coalition of support for passage of the Climate Commitment Act, and this week he’d have been exceedingly pleased to see the first greenhouse gas allowance auction take place, as well as the clean energy investment discussions in Olympia that auction funds help make possible.

Former Washington State Senator Reuven Carlyle said,

“This historic legislation has David’s words, voice, policy, analysis, data and insight built into the fabric of the achievement. His moral authority and wisdom – wrapped around kindness and mentorship – helped guide us at every step. It is one bill in one state. But it is the law of the land and a shining global example because of David.”

We can be sure that David, as one who believed success is never final, would now be working to move climate action further. 

In that spirit we carry his legacy forward. 

It was just over a year ago that David recorded a 3-½ minute video message for his grandson Sam. With the family’s permission, we share it here with you. Please join us in taking a moment today to remember David, and to watch his inspiring message to Sam:

“The world is the result of all the things people have done to make it, and the future world’s  going to be a matter of the same thing – all the things people have done to change it and improve it.”

Thank you for being part of the Clean & Prosperous community, and for helping to improve our future world, as David envisioned.


Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111