Climate Commitment Act
Overwhelming support from a broad-based coalition accelerates climate action in Washington state
Environmental groups. Energy companies. Local employers. Equity advocates. These voices and many more came together to support the Climate Commitment Act (SB 5126). Passage of this legislation was a huge start toward reducing statewide emissions equitably, and in a way that will boost our economy.
“This could be the new gold standard for other states to follow.” – Environmental Defense Fund
“The most comprehensive and ambitious slate of climate and energy policies of any US state.” – David Roberts, Climate Policy Journalist
Sightline Institute
Environmental Defense Fund
Climate XChange

Confederated Tribes & Bands of the Yakama Nation
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
Puyallup Tribe of Indians
Quinault Indian Nation
Sauk-Suiattle Tribe
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Squaxin Island Tribe
Tulalip Tribes
36th District Environmental Caucus
43rd District Democrats Environmental Caucus
African American Community Cultural & Educational Society
AFSCME Council 28
American Institute of Architects WA Council
Appropriate Technology Group
Audubon Washington
Biotechnology Innovation Organization
Byrd Barr Place
Cascadia Climate Action
Cascadia Policy Solutions
Cedar Grove
Certified Electrical Workers of Washington (IBEW)
Citizen's Climate Lobby
Clean Fuel Washington
Climate Solutions
Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas
Counterpointe Sports Group
Cyan Strategies
Earth Up
Eco Consulting LLC
Ecotope Inc.
Environmental Defense Fund
Evergreen Carbon
Fieldwork Communications
FMS Global Strategies, LLC
Fuse Washington
Gen Tech Global
Global Ocean Health/NFCC
Horizon House Environment Committee
Indivisible Bainbridge Island
Indivisible Eastside
Indivisible Skagit
Indivisible Vashon
Indivisible Whidbey
International Union of Painters & Allied Trades (IUPAT)
John L Scott Des Moines
League of Women Voters of Washington
Low Carbon Prosperity Institute
MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions
Madrona Institute
Mahoney Environmental
MDC - Metropolitan Development Council
Methow Valley Citizens Council Action Fund
National Fisheries Conservation Center
Northwest Energy Efficiency Council
NW Seaport Alliance
Office of Governor Jay Inslee
Olympia Indivisible
Pacific EV Solutions
Pacific Mobility Group
Pacific North Westy
Pearl Jam
People for Climate Action
Puget Sound Energy
Puget Sound Partnership
Puget Sound Solar
Rain Spirit Farm
Rainier Audubon Society
REI Co-op
Renewable Energy Group
Renewable Hydrogen Alliance
Renewable Northwest
Republic Services
Rick Steves Europe
Scoville Public Relations
Seattle City Light
SEIU 775
SEIU 925
SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
Sheet Metal Workers Local 66
Snohomish County Indivisible
Sphere Solar Energy
STAY COOL for Grandkids
Stemtac Foundation
Strategic Harmony Partners
Sustainable Business Consulting
Tabor 100
Tacoma Pierce County Black Collective
Taylor Shellfish Farms
The Breakfast Group
The Caspian Group LLC
The Climate Reality Project - Washington State Coalition
The Jia Group, LLC
The Keller Group
The Nature Conservancy in Washington
The WA Black Lives Matter Alliance
UMC, Inc.
Volt Athletics
WA Build Back Black Alliance
WA Federation of State Employees/AFSCME
Wallingford Indivisible
Washington Conservation Voters
Washington Environmental Council
Washington Indivisible Network
Washington Public Ports Association
Water Street Public Affairs
Women of Wisdom
Working Group on Seafood and Energy
WOW Tri-Cities
Leonard Forsman, President, Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
Fawn Sharp, President, National Congress of American Indians
Howard Behar, Co-founder, Washington Business Alliance
Lynn Behar, Advisory Board Chair, Cancer Lifeline
Jabe Blumenthal, Co-founder, Washington Progress Alliance
David Giuliani, Founder, Clean & Prosperous Washington
Denis Hayes, Emeritus Chair,
Sally Jewell, 2013-17 US Secretary of the Interior
Chris Stolte, Stolte Family Foundation
Menno van Wyk, Founder & CEO Emeritus, Montrail
Organizations listed for identification purposes only.
Phoebe Barnard
Jeff Berner
Sharon Burke
Andrea Caupain Sanderson
Nancy DeVaux
Claudia Ellsworth
Chaune Fitzgerald
Martin Neil Gibbins
Dan Giuliani
Alice D Gray
Colleen Groll
Bonnie Hemphill
Mark Lancaster
Chana Lawson
Ali Lee
Mary K Manous
Nate Miles
Matthew Randazzo V
Randy Rotter
Paula Sardinas
Katherine TeKolste
Edwin Wanji