Hear from American Carbon Registry’s Mary Grady

January 3, 2022

Register now for our Friday January 7th webinar, with an exciting preview of 2022 activity in Olympia, as well as an insider’s review of recent proceedings in Glasgow — featuring Washington State Senator Reuven Carlyle and Mary Grady, Executive Director of the American Carbon Registry.

Grady will report from her perspective as an accomplished leader in the development and management of carbon markets globally. 

The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, was founded in 1996 as the first private voluntary greenhouse gas registry in the world. According to Winrock, “ACR creates confidence in the environmental and scientific integrity of carbon offsets in order to accelerate transformational emission reduction actions. As a pioneer in harnessing the power of markets to improve the environment, ACR has set the bar for offset quality that is the market standard today and continues to lead market innovations.” 

ACR operates in both global voluntary and regulated carbon markets. For nearly ten years ACR has operated as an approved Offset Project Registry for the California Cap-and-Trade program, the first economy-wide Cap-and-Trade program in the U.S. and a model for Washington’s Climate Commitment Act Cap-and-Invest system. In this role, ACR works with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to oversee the registration and issuance of California-eligible Registry Offset Credits developed using CARB’s compliance or early action offset protocols.  

We are eager to hear what Grady has to say on Friday about the influential role that ACR can play in CCA program design and rulemaking, and about the seven forestry projects registered with ACR in Washington state.

State Senator Reuven Carlyle, lead sponsor of the Climate Commitment Act and a participant of COP26 in Glasgow, will join us to provide a perspective on what states are contributing to global efforts and will give us an early peek at the upcoming 2022 legislative session in Olympia.

Attendance is expected to be at “standing Zoom only”, with so many interested in contributing to the future of climate policy. We hope you can join us and help build momentum as we move into the action phase of our legislative and rule making efforts — and look to inspire other states to follow our lead.

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