Climate Commitment Act
The Climate Commitment Act stands as a remarkable example of effective state-level policy aimed at mitigating climate pollution and fostering a fair and sustainable future.
Back in 2021, Washington State took a pioneering step by passing the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a groundbreaking cap-and-invest legislation. This forward-looking law places a gradual limit on climate-warming emissions and allocates resources to implement solutions that promote equity, prosperity, and resilience across the state. Working hand-in-hand with other robust state policies, the CCA is projected to achieve an impressive 95% reduction in emissions by 2050. Moreover, it fosters stronger consultations with tribal nations, enhances air quality and environmental justice, bolsters climate-focused initiatives, and bolsters the state’s economy.
The journey toward passing the CCA holds valuable insights that can be adapted by other states seeking to address climate change. Prior to this achievement, numerous attempts to implement carbon pricing had faltered over the course of more than a decade. However, the CCA triumphed with the collective backing of a diverse coalition of stakeholders, representing a broad spectrum of interests within the state. This inclusive collaboration ensured that the law not only met science-based emission reduction targets but also brought about positive co-benefits for Washington’s environment, businesses, and marginalized communities.
Bipartisan Roots & State Leadership
Cap-and-Trade was first deployed by the George H. W. Bush administration to successfully – and efficiently – combat acid rain.

Charles Tasnadi / AP Images
Could it work as well on the climate crisis?
California was the first state to put Cap-and-Trade to work on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction. Results there show targets achieved ahead of schedule, with a healthy economy.
Now, just as we in Washington state followed California’s lead but improved upon their program, we anticipate other states will follow our lead. Already, the state of New York is beginning the process of implementing a similar Cap-and-Invest system. California is considering improvements to their system by referencing Washington’s CCA.
Honored to stand w/ @JerryBrownGov he signs extension of cap & trade where we launched the program 11 years ago - a great bipartisan bill.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) July 25, 2017
New investments in a cleaner Washington
As proponents of Cap & Invest, we are closely tracking both the implementation of Washington’s cap on emissions, AND the acceleration of investments in our clean economy -- not only public but also private. Washington already ranks as the best...
Webinar recording now available: A Courageous Conversation about Environmental Justice
Webinar recording now available: A Courageous Conversation about Environmental Justice With such a strong panel assembled for Wednesday’s webinar - A Courageous Conversation about Environmental Justice, we weren’t surprised that the discussion...
Mapping Washington’s Health Disparities
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Invitation to A Courageous Conversation about Environmental Justice
As reported in Grist, more than 230 medical journals came together this month to issue an unprecedented joint statement, in which they say that unchecked climate change could have catastrophic and irreversible consequences for global health. “No...
New EPA report confirms: “First and worst”
Washington governor Jay Inslee often says, “Air pollution, severe weather and the economic upheaval brought on by climate change impacts black and minority communities first and worst”. A new report from the Environmental Protection Agency confirms...
Webinar recording now available: Roadmap to Cap & Invest Implementation
Thank you to the more than 300 of you who signed up for yesterday’s webinar - Roadmap to Cap & Invest Implementation - on the Climate Commitment Act (CCA.) We hope you found it as informative as we did and that it began to answer the many...
What are the facts about the Climate Commitment Act?
As the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) moves to implementation, many Washingtonians have questions about what it does and how it works. Policy experts from our research team at the Low Carbon Prosperity Institute (LCPI) along with the Environmental...
Good news from California
When crafting Washington’s best-in-the-nation Climate Commitment Act (CCA), leaders in Olympia looked south to Sacramento to learn from the nation’s first cap-and-invest policy. They asked, “What’s working?” and “How can we improve upon that?” So...
5 Futures: The good, the bad, and the weird
The current issue of National Geographic describes the spectrum of 5 possible climate futures outlined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report: “The UN’s latest report on the state of the climate offers a...
Webinar: Roadmap to Cap & Invest Implementation
Now that the Climate Commitment Act has passed, how will the state of Washington implement this historic climate change policy? Please join Clean & Prosperous Washington for a discussion with the Department of Ecology and Office of Governor Jay...
What can we do?
You’ve seen the headlines: “A code red for humanity” “IPCC’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell” “A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us.” You’ve heard the reactions: “Sobering.” “Jaw-dropping.”...
Let’s sweeten our suite of carbon policies
With a suite of recently enacted clean-economy measures, Washington is leading the way to a healthier future: The Climate Commitment Act, the Clean Fuels Standard, the Healthy Homes & Clean Buildings Act, the Clean Energy Transformation Act,...
(Seattle, WA) July 26, 2021 – This past weekend, the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), SB 5126, officially became law—positioning Washington state as a national climate leader with one of the most progressive climate laws paving the way to net zero...
Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act – A Primer
The Act in Brief: The Climate Commitment Act (Senate Bill 5126) is designed to deliver certain emissions reduction and achieve co-benefits that foster a more prosperous, equitable, and resilient Washington State. In 2020, Washington State...
Mark Twain vs Ralph Keeling
“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it”, said Mark Twain. Ralph Keeling would beg to differ. Professor Keeling is director of the Scripps CO2 Program that monitors CO2 in the atmosphere and tracks the “Keeling...
Webinar episode 6: Saving the best for last…
Recently we debuted the informational webinar, “Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act: A New Standard for Action”. In this final part, panelists answer questions from the audience, including: What are the key implementation challenges? What...
Webinar episode 5: How will the Climate Commitment Act be implemented?
Recently we debuted the informational webinar, “Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act: A New Standard for Action”. In this fifth part, Isaac Kastama, government affairs specialist with Water Street Public Affairs explains how implementation of...
Webinar episode 4: What’s next for the Climate Commitment Act?
Recently we debuted the informational webinar, “Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act: A New Standard for Action”. In this fourth part, Katelyn Roedner Sutter of the Environmental Defense Fund explains how the CCA is a template for action...
Webinar episode 3: How does the Climate Commitment Act Work?
Recently we debuted the informational webinar, “Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act: A New Standard for Action”. In this third part, policy analyst Kevin Tempest of the Low Carbon Prosperity Institute explains the nuts and bolts of how the...
Webinar episode 2: What’s the big deal with the Climate Commitment Act?
Last week we debuted the informational webinar, “Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act: A New Standard for Action”. This week we share the webinar in short pieces for easy viewing. In this second part, Paula Sardinas of the WA Build Back Black...