Climate Commitment Act



The Climate Commitment Act stands as a remarkable example of effective state-level policy aimed at mitigating climate pollution and fostering a fair and sustainable future.

Back in 2021, Washington State took a pioneering step by passing the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a groundbreaking cap-and-invest legislation. This forward-looking law places a gradual limit on climate-warming emissions and allocates resources to implement solutions that promote equity, prosperity, and resilience across the state. Working hand-in-hand with other robust state policies, the CCA is projected to achieve an impressive 95% reduction in emissions by 2050. Moreover, it fosters stronger consultations with tribal nations, enhances air quality and environmental justice, bolsters climate-focused initiatives, and bolsters the state’s economy.

The journey toward passing the CCA holds valuable insights that can be adapted by other states seeking to address climate change. Prior to this achievement, numerous attempts to implement carbon pricing had faltered over the course of more than a decade. However, the CCA triumphed with the collective backing of a diverse coalition of stakeholders, representing a broad spectrum of interests within the state. This inclusive collaboration ensured that the law not only met science-based emission reduction targets but also brought about positive co-benefits for Washington’s environment, businesses, and marginalized communities.

Bipartisan Roots & State Leadership

Cap-and-Trade was first deployed by the George H. W. Bush administration to successfully – and efficiently – combat acid rain. 

Charles Tasnadi / AP Images

 Could it work as well on the climate crisis?

California was the first state to put Cap-and-Trade to work on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction. Results there show targets achieved ahead of schedule, with a healthy economy.

Now, just as we in Washington state followed California’s lead but improved upon their program, we anticipate other states will follow our lead. Already, the state of New York is beginning the process of implementing a similar Cap-and-Invest system. California is considering improvements to their system by referencing Washington’s CCA.

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A $2B boost for WA’s clean energy economy

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Two years ago to this day, the Washington State Senate concurred with the House of Representatives to approve the Climate Commitment Act, our cap-and-invest program. Now our state is reaping the benefits of this policy with the approval over the...



(Seattle, WA) April 24, 2023 On the heels of Earth Day, the Washington state legislature wrapped up its 2023 session Sunday night with historic investments in clean energy projects, including over $2 billion of funds from the Climate Commitment...

How will CCA funds be invested in Natural Resources?

How will CCA funds be invested in Natural Resources?

As Washington state works to build a cleaner, greener economy, Mother Nature is not only an interested stakeholder, but also a powerful ally. Healthy forests and abundant fish contribute to our economic prosperity and our quality of life....

How will CCA funds be invested in Clean Buildings?

How will CCA funds be invested in Clean Buildings?

Existing non-residential buildings are among Washington state’s primary consumers of energy, and together, produce over a quarter of our state’s total carbon pollution. Natural gas heats 80% of the Pacific Northwest’s commercial buildings (by...

How will CCA funds be invested in Clean Energy?

How will CCA funds be invested in Clean Energy?

During these last two weeks of Session in Olympia, the Washington State House and Senate will finalize bills and make biennial budget decisions that will impact our progress toward a clean economy for years to come.  Revenues from Climate...

How will CCA funds be invested?

How will CCA funds be invested?

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Auction results are in

Auction results are in

Based on the Climate Commitment Act’s Auction Summary Report,  $300 million dollars have been raised through capping emissions on large greenhouse gas emitters in Washington state.  These funds are now available to invest in cleaner, more resilient...

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