How can we prioritize investments?

January 24, 2022

With the transportation sector accounting for 45% of the state’s emissions, it will receive the majority of upcoming investments from the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). We are firmly in the Decisive Decade for transportation decarbonization in Washington.

Where can we best invest CCA funds to both reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality?

Which projects will provide the strongest return on investment?

What metrics can we use to objectively prioritize opportunities?

Analysts with the Low Carbon Prosperity Institute developed a modeling framework that measures economic, health, and climate benefits from proposed transportation decarbonization investments. They applied that framework to analyze several proposed projects.

Join us Wednesday, February 9, 12-1 p.m. PT for a Zoom webinar to hear about the first batch of seven decarbonization strategies – centered on electrification within the on-road, marine, and freight sectors – from our new report Washington’s Decisive Decade: An Emerging Roadmap for Transportation Decarbonization and Cleaner Air.

This report offers a data-driven approach that can be replicated across a broader solution set as Washington considers….

How best to deploy and leverage $5.2 billion in new transportation-focused investments over the next 16 years under the Climate Commitment Act

How to prioritize various benefits including cleaner air, lower carbon pollution, and fuel cost savings for Washington residents and businesses

“This report enhances our understanding of the potential of interventions to reduce pervasive sources of air pollution on our roads, in our ports, and across our waterways that impact both local and global communities, and our economic efficiency.”
— Kevin Tempest, LCPI Co-Founder and Research and Development Scientist

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PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111