Let’s sweeten our suite of carbon policies

August 2, 2021

With a suite of recently enacted clean-economy measures, Washington is leading the way to a healthier future: The Climate Commitment Act, the Clean Fuels Standard, the Healthy Homes & Clean Buildings Act, the Clean Energy Transformation Act, and now… the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule.

We are working with our partner, Ceres, to support the deployment of zero-emission trucks by encouraging adoption of the Advanced Clean Truck rule.

Motor vehicles are the largest source of air pollution in Washington. Transportation contributes about 22 percent of total air pollution and 45 percent of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the state. Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) are a major driver. 

California adopted the ACT rule last year, setting annually increasing zero-emission MHDV sales targets for truck manufacturers. As the nation’s first zero-emission truck regulation, the ACT is a groundbreaking climate and clean air policy. With no parallel federal policy in place, adoption of ACT by additional states is essential for rapidly decarbonizing the MHDV sector. Four states (MA, NJ, OR, and WA) have initiated rulemaking processes with the goal of adopting ACT by the end of this year, and several other states are likely to move forward with adoption in 2022 (CO, CT, and NY). The more states that adopt the ACT rule, the more rapid and cost-effective this transition will be.

Voices like yours can play a critical role in ensuring that ACT will be adopted in WA and across the country, leading to economies of scale that will expedite market transformation and more rapidly unlock the cost, climate, and clean air benefits of decarbonizing MHDVs.

We invite you to: 

  • Learn more HERE
  • Submit a comment to the WA Department of Ecology HERE (before Aug 9)
  • Read the Ceres sign-on letter HERE
  • Add your organization’s support to the Ceres sign-on letter HERE (before Aug 9)


About Ceres: Our partner, Ceres, is organizing a sign-on letter opportunity for businesses, investors, and institutions to support the deployment of zero-emission trucks by encouraging adoption of the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule by Washington and other states. Ceres is a national nonprofit organization that works with influential companies and investors to drive policy solutions throughout the economy.

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Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111