Clean & Prosperous Washington

Medium- and Heavy-Duty ZEV Working Group: 2023-24

Join us on August 24th for the launch of the
2023-24 Medium- and Heavy-Duty ZEV Working Group

Last year our working group was instrumental in passing a $120M appropriation for purchase and infrastructure incentives. This year we need to make sure the program is implemented well.

Join us on the third day of the Green Transportation Summit & Expo for our Working Group kickoff event.

When: August 24, 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Greater Tacoma Convention Center, Room 318
500 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402

Sign me up for the MHD ZEV Working Group launch

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Community’s Pick of the Year


Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111