Clean & Prosperous Institute

Celebrate the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) turning one year old, with a Triple-Impact Donation.

Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the historic CCA (SB 5126) on May 17, 2021. Since then, Clean & Prosperous Washington has worked to provide leaders in Olympia with information and objective analyses to help drive smart implementation of the CCA. Our work continues. Before the CCA is fully implemented, the to-do list is long and time is short. Decisions about CCA caps, rules, and investments will be made during the coming months, and your support of (and participation in) our work will help ensure the best possible outcome.  This is painstaking, but essential work as Washington launches the nations most ambitious climate policy.

Going forward, we’ll engage in the rulemaking process and keep you informed of opportunities for public comment. And we’ll continue to keep you apprised of how the CCA impacts your world.

Donate $51.26 to commemorate passage of SB 5126.

Just prior to his passing in March of this year, our founder David Giuliani established a fund to match, 2:1, donations to Clean & Prosperous Institute. Always positive, always forward-looking, David was committed to building on the momentum of his life’s work. We invite you – an important member of our Clean & Prosperous coalition – to contribute $51.26 to mark the one-year anniversary of SB 5126, the Climate Commitment Act, being signed into law.

With David’s match, you’ll put $153.78 to work supporting analysis, education, and coalition-building, helping to propel climate action for a cleaner and more prosperous economy for all.

Donate $51.26 to commemorate passage of SB 5126.

Your donation to the Clean & Prosperous Institute is tax deductible.

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Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111