Clean & Prosperous Institute

David and Patricia Giuliani Award

Governor Jay Inslee presented the first annual David & Patricia Giuliani Clean Energy Entrepreneur Award to Kenworth Truck Company in April. The next award will be presented at our upcoming Future of Carbon Policy Forum, and nominations are now open.

The award, named after our organization’s founder and his wife, recognizes meaningful advances in clean energy innovation. With so much clean energy innovation in Washington state, this year’s winner will earn significant bragging rights.

Is your company – or another that you admire – bringing forward new ideas to accelerate our transition to a clean economy? If so, please fill out the nomination form below.

We welcome nominations for large companies and small businesses, iconic establishments and fledgling start-ups, in any sector whether power, transportation, agriculture, maritime, manufacturing, software… you name it. Criteria includes:

  • Doing business in Washington state
  • Measurable reduction of greenhouse gasses and criteria pollutants
  • Positive impact on overburdened communities
  • Innovation that leads sector-wide change
  • Job creation

Feel free to share the nomination form. The deadline for submissions is November 19th.

2024 BREW International Blog Awards
Community’s Pick of the Year


Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111