The best climate legislation proposed in the US

April 23, 2021

As the State House is poised to vote on the Climate Commitment Act potentially today, icons of the northwest environmental movement are joining the chorus of broad support for SB 5126.  

This is the best climate legislation, with a chance of actually passing, that has yet been proposed in the United States,” said Denis Hayes, Father of Earth Day and emeritus chair of, in an op-ed on the Washington State Wire. “It is stronger, and more equitable, than any legislation that has actually passed, anywhere.” 

Sally Jewell, Former US Secretary of the Interior joined the many voices supporting this legislation and said, “To protect our valuable natural resources, our mountain snowpacks and our oceans, we need climate action now.  The Climate Commitment Act puts Washington squarely in a leadership role in combating climate change and protecting the natural places we all love.” 

As Denis Hayes said, “It has been more than 40 years since the world’s best climate models all began converging in their forecasts.  Forty years later, what had been a small dot on the distant horizon has arrived as an unending wave of disasters.  Acting then would have reduced the scale and impact of today’s massive forest fires, hurricanes & typhoons, floods, draughts, melting icecaps & glaciers, submerging coastlines, ocean acidification, and accelerating extinctions.”

“Instead, we squandered four decades.  The world is now out of time.”

Make your voice heard by letting your legislators know this session cannot expire in 3 days without passing the Climate Commitment Act.

Tick Tock. 3 days and counting.

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