“The number one thing we can do is the exact thing that we’re not doing”

August 17, 2022

Joel Makower, chairman of GreenBiz Group, studied the findings of several opinion polls. Spoiler alert: What he found was sobering. Despite decades of education and activism, not to mention recent scientific reports and extreme weather events, people are generally not well informed about climate change and are not expressing the sense of urgency that the crisis demands. 

Makower also laments that pollsters continue asking people to choose between prioritizing environmental protection or economic growth, “helping to perpetuate the myth that it can be only one or the other. By now, it should be well established that the two are not only compatible but inextricably linked: You can’t have a healthy economy in a failing environment.”

All of which speaks to an urgent need for companies to step up their educational activities, whether to employees, customers or the world. There is a clear and present danger in the public’s ignorance about environmental issues in general and in climate solutions in particular.”

Many readers of this newsletter are with companies that communicate to employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Other readers are with government departments or non-profit organizations. Regardless, all of us can do more to educate about – and advocate for – climate solutions that promise a cleaner, more prosperous future for all.

As Katherine Hayhoe asserts, “The number one thing we can do is the exact thing that we’re not doing: talk about it.

A recent survey from Kite Insights reports that employees want to do even more than just talk about climate action:

From the Kite Insights report, “Every Job is a Climate Job
7,134 private-sector employees surveyed, from 15 industries in 10 countries (including the U.S.)

Yet as Triple Pundit reports, “Employees Are Ready for Climate Action but Lack Direction”. 

“Climate change, employee job satisfaction and business readiness are interrelated. Employees are actively looking to engage in their companies’ climate action plans.” 

The 4/25 issue of TIME Magazine devoted a cover story to “the enormous power” of businesses to lead, and to shape the net zero, nature-positive future. (If you missed that issue back in April, it’s worth revisiting now.) Businesses large and small do have enormous power, through investments, operational actions, and – not to be underestimated – communications. We invite you to deploy your communications channels to educate about, and advocate for, a clean economy. Some say talk is cheap. We believe it’s priceless.


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