The page is not big enough

May 14, 2021

This Sunday we will run a full-page ad in major newspapers across the state, thanking the leadership in Olympia for their work in passing two historic bills that benefit both our environment and the economy. The ad lists some of the many organizations and individuals who worked for passage. But with such broad support — from business leaders, labor, energy companies, justice advocates, tribes, and environmentalists — there simply isn’t room on the page to include everyone!

Here’s a preview of the ad.

And here’s the full list of supporters.

This legislation, including the cap & invest Climate Commitment Act, will fund investments consistent with the transition to an equitable, prosperous, and resilient net-zero emissions state by 2050. In fact, Washington is now the only state to have a mechanism in place to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. And it’s thanks to you and to the leadership in Olympia that we are making history.

Join us in saying Thank You to Governor Jay Inslee and legislators who supported the Climate Commitment Act and Clean Fuel Standard.

Send them a message today!

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Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111