Track your investments

February 21, 2024

Revenues raised from Washington’s cap-and-invest Climate Commitment Act (CCA) are invested in projects and programs that benefit communities across the state. These are investments that will pay dividends to you in the form of lower costs for cleaner energy, and more jobs in a greener economy.

Considering these investments as part of our collective portfolio, we all have an interest in knowing what, and where they are, as well as how they are doing.

This new website, Washington Climate Action, is an excellent resource for finding incentive and rebate programs, climate careers, and examples of climate action at work across the state. Such examples include energy upgrades for school buildings to lower costs and improve air quality; hybrid-electric ferries to improve service reliability; thousands of new EV charging stations to make driving for $1.19/gal-e easy; and so many more… check it out here:

And this interactive Searchable Budget Table from the Clean & Prosperous Institute makes it easy to find funded projects and programs:

Let us know: Which CCA investments have you feeling most “bullish”?

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PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111