Turn up the volume…

June 2, 2021

… and listen to this.

On NPR affiliate KNKX this morning, environment reporter Bellamy Pailthorp – @KNKXBellamy – sat down with Morning Edition host Kirsten Kendrick – @KNKXKirsten –  to talk about the significant environmental legislation that passed in Olympia this legislative session, with a particular focus on the Cap and Invest law, the Climate Commitment Act.  

Taken directly from the KNKX story: 

We made environmental justice part of our mission, part of our goal, and we deliver,” says advocate and lobbyist Paula Sardinas, CEO of a group called Build Back Black (and part of Clean and Prosperous Washington.)  She spoke during a webinar put on by a coalition of business groups called Clean and Prosperous Washington.

How Washington state may (finally) be leading on climate action

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Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111