Webinar recording now available:

A Courageous Conversation about Environmental Justice

With such a strong panel assembled for Wednesday’s webinar –  A Courageous Conversation about Environmental Justice, we weren’t surprised that the discussion touched on a wide range of important topics.

Among the many highlights, were discussion of:

  • How we can act with urgency, while taking the time to listen, learn, and build relationships across diverse stakeholder communities — “accelerating trust”
  • What Climate Commitment Act performance accountability looks like
  • How to make sure that rural BIPOC communities in Eastern Washington are represented as investment decisions are made


The session was led by national environmental justice leader Paula Sardinas of the Washington Build Back Black Alliance, and featured former US Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, Washington State Senator Rebecca Saldaña, Washington State Senator T’wina Nobles, Washington Environmental Council Chief Executive Officer Alyssa Macy, and Nature Conservancy Director of Advocacy & Engagement David Mendoza.

If you missed it, you’ll want to watch the recording.

And even if you saw the live event, you’ll want to watch it again — and share it with your friends and colleagues.

Thanks again to our webinar sponsor, the Port of Seattle. (Be sure to watch Commissioner Stephanie Bowman’s update on clean aviation progress at SeaTac — at the 3:20 mark in the recording.)

We would like to thank our webinar sponsor, the Port of Seattle.


Paid for by Clean & Prosperous Washington
PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111