Webinar recording now available: Roadmap to Cap & Invest Implementation

September 9, 2021

Thank you to the more than 300 of you who signed up for yesterday’s webinar – Roadmap to Cap & Invest Implementation – on the Climate Commitment Act (CCA.)  We hope you found it as informative as we did and that it began to answer the many questions Washingtonians have about what it does and how it works. 

Panelists included policy experts Stu Clark and Kathy Taylor, both from the Washington State Department of Ecology and Becky Kelley, the Governor’s Senior Policy Advisor for Climate.

If you missed it, you’ll want to watch the recording here: 

On Monday, we published the Climate Commitment Act Policy Brief, authored by the Low Carbon Prosperity Institute (LCPI) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). This 12-page summary of the Climate Commitment Act provides a great overview of how the bill works.

And click HERE to visit the official Department of Ecology CCA web page, to stay up to date on rulemaking and other activities.

Thank You to our fabulous sponsor, the Horse Heaven Clean Energy Center in the Tri-Cities. This hybrid approach to clean energy will combine wind, solar, and battery storage components to produce up to 1150MW of renewable energy for the region and the State of Washington. 

Be sure to sign up for our next webinar in October.

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PO Box 21961, Seattle, WA 98111